Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Goals

I'm definitely a list maker, something about crossing off each item makes me feel good and motivates me to do even more. So that's what I've done this year, no resolutions to lose 30 lbs. but just a list of goals I hope to accomplish throughout the year. I'm hoping to cross each one off but I'm not going to stress about it if I don't.

Not all of these are exactly food related but I thought maybe it would inspire you to make some goals of your own if you haven't already done so. I also like the idea of sharing these openly so that I can be held accountable to actually finish what I've started! So here it is, my goals for 2012:

Goals for 2012

1) Rid our home of clutter- 500 items to be exact, whether we donate, sell, give away or simply toss
2) Plan out a weekly menu- I've gotten bad about not making a plan and I feel so much better when I do. *To hold myself to this, I just might start posting our weekly menu here each week.
3) Continue to do more Freezer Cooking
4) Continue to grow my blog as well as my cake/dessert business

1) Add 1-2 months of income to our savings/emergency fund
2) Start a savings fund for our Disney World trip in 2013
3) Continue building a stockpile for grocery and toiletry items using coupons when possible - No I'm not looking to be one of those "Extreme Couponers" but I do like having my cupboards well stocked.

1) Have a date night at least once every other month

1) Focus on spending more one-on-one time with each child, have more individual outings together

On top of my goals I've also compiled a list of 12 DIY/Food projects I hope to complete, one for each month of the year. Most of them are food items that I've never attempted to make before so I'll definitely be posting my results! A lot of these I haven't found the exact recipe/method I want to use yet, so if you have one please feel free to share the link.

12 DIY/Food projects for the year:

January-  Homemade Cheese Crackers
February- Homemade Dishwasher Soap
March-    Homemade Pop Tarts
April-    Homemade Laundry detergent
May-      Homemade Ice Cream
June-     Homemade Fruit Roll-ups
July-     Homemade Hamburger Buns
August-   Canning fruits/veggies from garden, etc
September- Learn to knit, start with something simple like dish cloths
October-  Artisan Bread in 5 mins. a day
November- Make Pumpkin Butter
December- Homemade Marshmallows

My last list for you is my reading list for the year. I absolutely love to read, but with 3 kids and all that I have going on each day I don't always get to read as much as I would like. So I've made a goal to finish at least 1 book each month and if I get to another that's great, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

12 Books I plan to read:

January- The Cupcake Diaries
February- The Money Saving Mom's Budget
March- Raising a Soul Surfer
April- The Joy of Less
May- Love & Respect
June- Kisses from Katie
July- Miserly Moms: Living Well on Less in a Tough Economy
August- Loving the Little Years: Motherhood in the Trenches
September- Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day
October- America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money
November- 31 Days to Clean: Having a Martha House the Mary Way
December- The Dirty Life: A Memoir on Farming, Food and Love

Well there it is folks, sorry if I bored you....we'll be back to food tomorrow I promise! What goals have you made for yourself this year? I'd love to hear your responses!


  1. I love making lists too! One of my goals was to also declutter, which I managed to do over the weekend...let's see if I can keep to it! :) Thanks for following! Following back!

  2. I'm a fan of lists and crossing them off too!! One of my goals is to be more organized. More specifically, set 1-2 organizing projects per month and completing them. Whether its organizing a toy corner in the basement or cleaning up up my kitchen drawers, or organizing the towel closet, I'm gonna do it! I'm excited to hear about your monthly adventures. You should post book reviews too, some of those sound very interesting!!

  3. What a great post Steph! I've been thinking of all of these things lately too. A new year really makes me want to get organized. And love the new banner! Who ended up designing it?

  4. These are really extensive goals! Such a good idea to write them down and keep them in one place too :). xo

    Champagne Lifestyle on a Beer Budget


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